On a banana skin – via Stockholm to Sydney

02 Aug 2019

I slipped into DLA Piper on a banana skin. It was just over seven years ago and it was a fellow student from Lund who tipped me off about the job in DLA Piper’s Insolvency Group. I am still very happy about my choice of employer. Early responsibility has made me grow and develop, both as a person and as an advisor. A few years ago I had the chance to do a client secondment in a finance company. My professional network grew and my relationship with the client became much closer. For me personally it also made me realise that working for a law firm suits me well; although we sometimes have longer working hours, there is more opportunity for flexibility and you are able to control your own work. Earlier this year I did my second secondment, at DLA Piper’s Sydney office. There I developed further on a personal level – I broadened my horizons by getting involved in the international matters offered by the firm. It turned out that the business culture in Sydney is quite similar to what we have in our Stockholm office; people are open and friendly and the organisational structure is quite flat. I also had to familiarise myself with a completely new legal system, which was very interesting and challenging.