DLA Piper wins decisive case: Apotekstjänst's acquisition of Svensk Dos is approved

10 Mar 2025

We are pleased to announce a significant victory in the Patent and Market Court of Appeal (PMÖD), Sweden’s highest court for competition law cases, concerning our client Apotekstjänst AB’s acquisition of Svensk Dos. This case holds major implications for the market and sets an important legal precedent, as it permits a transaction that reduces the number of market players from three to two.

Initially, the Swedish Competition Authority blocked the transaction, and the Patent and Market Court (PMD) upheld this decision upon appeal. However, after taking over the case on appeal, we were able to successfully reverse the outcome before the highest court.

A huge congratulations to everyone involved, with special thanks to Erik Brändt Öfverholm, Hanna Medelius, and Mehrnaz Pakgohar for their exceptional work.