DLA Pipers obeståndsgrupp topprankad av Chambers & Partners

24 mar 2022

Vår svenska obeståndsgrupp behåller, för 14:e året i rad, sin position i den högsta nivån, Band 1, hos det brittiska rankinginstitutet Chambers & Partners – det mest prominenta rankinginstitutet för advokater.

Advokatbyråer och enskilda advokater rankas i Band från 1 (högst) till 5 (lägst). Att överhuvudtaget vara rankad är en betydande prestation. Rankingen är resultatet av omfattande efterforskning som innefattar intervjuer med tredjepartsexperter, klienter, advokater och jurister som har arbetat tillsammans med dem som rankas. Egenskaper som bedöms är bland annat juridisk kunskap, uppförande, service gentemot klienter, kommersiellt sinne och engagemang.

Vi tittar närmare på vad Chambers säger om den DLA Pipers svenska obeståndsgrupp:

"The firm always finds the resources required in order to meet the demands of the case. If there is a case with tentacles across the Nordics or the rest of the world, the firm has the people required to assist the company throughout."

I den individuella rankingen finns:

Kent Hägglund, Senior Statespeople. Kent has been made a senior counsel in the DLA Piper insolvency team. He has the proven capacity to act as administrator on the bankruptcies of Sweden's largest companies, including car manufacturers. He also advises on reorganisations in which debtors seek to secure a write-down of debt through a composition with creditors.

Erik Selander regularly wins court-appointed roles to manage bankruptcy or restructuring situations. Interviewees report that he "is very goal-oriented," explaining: "He is willing to push all the stakeholders so that you come to a conclusion. He has all of the company's and the creditors' interests in clear focus, which means he is able to get the job done as quickly as possible." "He can always draw on his prior experience, which brings a lot of value in bankruptcies or near-bankruptcies where participants are very jumpy and unsure of the process," states another source. Erik Selander also has experience on the debtor side of out-of-court restructurings.

Interviewees appreciate that Jonas Premfors is "calm and has good communication skills." Market commentators note his role as practice head and his increasingly prominent role in the firm's key insolvency mandates.

Se hela rankingen hos Chambers.