Legal Innovator 2023
Legal Innovator Prize 2023 tilldelades Malin Männikkö, Legal Tech Associate på DLA Piper i Sverige.
Priset delas ut årligen, under Nordic Legal Tech Day i Stockholm, till en organisation eller en enskild individ vars insatser under året främjat innovation inom juristbranschen. Syftet är att uppmärksamma företag, myndigheter och enskilda jurister som bidrar till att modernisera juridiken och juristbranschen.
Juryns motivering löd: "The Legal Innovator Prize 2023 will be awarded to a person that through energy, leadership, outstanding organizational skills and without fear has brought lawyers and technologists together, promoted legal tech into new disciplines, pushing the legal design movement in the Nordics and now taking the legal technologist role into knowledge management.
A cornerstone in the legal tech community, that delivers not only words but a lot of action, Stockholm Legal Hackers, Stockholm Innovation Bootcamp, Legal Design Summit in Helsinki. And now also involved in the Collaboration between Definely and DLA Piper in Sweden bringing AI-tools to the Swedish language."